Self-Forgiveness Affirmations

Self-Forgiveness Affirmations

powerful self-forgiveness affirmations, start with our favorite ones:

  • I forgive myself for all of my past mistakes
  • I’m worthy of forgiveness
  • I’m capable of change
  • I won’t feel guilty for treating myself with love and care anymore
  • I deserve love, happiness, and respect
  • I’m doing the best I can with what I have
  • I deserve compassion and understanding
  • I was too hard on myself and neglected my needs. Now, it’ll change
  • I’m learning from my mistakes and growing as a result
  • I’m allowed to feel anger, sadness, and other emotions without judgment
  • I accept myself unconditionally
  • Every day is a new opportunity to start fresh
  • There’s nothing wrong with me – I’m wonderful, just as I am
  • Forgiving myself is essential for my mental well-being



預防失智不外乎多動腦、多社交,但現在恐怕還得多注意自己的口腔健康。最近國立陽明交通大學牙醫系發表在國際醫學期刊《Ageing Research Review》的報告,發現有較多研究證據支持重度牙周病、廣泛缺牙與失智症有關聯,提醒民眾重視口腔健康。






最新研究警告 口腔健康與失智有複雜關聯

Building Bonds Before Lessons: The Essence of ‘Reach Before Teach’ Parenting

“Reach before teach” refers to the idea that before parents can effectively teach or impart knowledge, values, or behaviors to their children, they must first establish a strong and trusting relationship with them. This foundational relationship serves as a basis for open communication, mutual respect, and understanding.

Let’s take a closer look of the concept:

1. Building Trust:

Children are more likely to listen to and internalize teachings from parents they trust. Trust is cultivated through consistent support, understanding, and reliability.

Emily is a teenager who begins to show signs of stress and anxiety. Instead of immediately offering solutions or advice, her mother, Sarah, sits down with her and listens without judgment. Over time, Emily trusts her mother enough to open up about her feelings and concerns.

By prioritizing listening and understanding over immediate teaching or advising, Sarah establishes trust with Emily. Once that trust is solidified, Sarah can then offer guidance or teach coping mechanisms that Emily is more likely to accept and internalize.

2. Open Communication:

Before parents can effectively teach values or behaviors, they need to create an environment where children feel safe expressing their thoughts, concerns, and questions. This involves active listening, non-judgmental responses, and encouraging dialogue.

Liam is a 10-year-old boy who has questions about his changing body but feels embarrassed to talk to his parents. Recognizing this, his father, Mike, creates a safe space by initiating casual conversations about growing up, ensuring Liam knows he can ask anything.

By proactively addressing sensitive topics and encouraging dialogue, Mike paves the way for open communication. This foundation allows Liam to seek guidance and information from his father rather than turning elsewhere for potentially unreliable sources.

3. Modeling Behavior:

Children often learn by observing their parents. Therefore, before explicitly teaching certain values or behaviors, parents should model those behaviors in their own actions and interactions.

Sofia, a mother of two, wants her children to value kindness and empathy. Instead of merely lecturing them about these values, she consistently demonstrates them in her daily interactions, such as helping neighbors or practicing patience.

By consistently modeling kindness and empathy, Sofia’s children naturally absorb these values. They learn the importance of these behaviors not just through words but through observing their mother’s actions.

4. Understanding Individual Needs:

Every child is unique. Effective teaching requires parents to understand their child’s individual temperament, interests, and developmental stage. By reaching out and connecting with their child first, parents can tailor their teachings in a way that resonates with the child.

Two siblings, Ava and Noah, have different interests and learning styles. Ava loves reading and prefers quiet activities, while Noah is energetic and enjoys hands-on experiences. Recognizing these differences, their parents, Karen and Tom, tailor their teaching methods to each child’s preferences.

Karen and Tom reach out to Ava through book recommendations and quiet discussions, fostering her love for reading. For Noah, they engage in interactive learning activities that align with his energetic nature. By understanding and catering to each child’s individual needs, they ensure that their teachings resonate effectively.

In summary, “reach before teach” emphasizes the significance of relationship-building in parenting. By first establishing trust, fostering open communication, modeling desired behaviors, and understanding individual needs, parents can create a supportive environment where teachings are more likely to be embraced and internalized by their children.


長期以來,醫學界的傳統觀點認為多種維生素毫無用處。 然而,最新的研究顯示,對於老年人來說,這些維生素的補充可能對記憶功能有微妙的正面影響。這些初步的發現激勵了神經科學家和大腦老化專家,如哥倫比亞大學的亞當布里克曼教授,開始考慮這些補充品的用途。

多年以來,對多種維生素的研究都顯示,其日常攝取與沒有補充相比並未帶來顯著的好處。但布里克曼教授告訴 Insider,他在進行複合維生素與記憶喪失的研究之前,自己並未使用過這些補充品。



Brickman 是今年稍早發表的一項大型嚴謹研究的作者,該研究表明,每天服用多種維生素(在本例中為Centrum)的60 歲以上男性和65 歲以上女性能夠在常見記憶測試中始終表現得更好比服用安慰劑的人 2022 年 9 月的一項研究使用不同的記憶測試也得出了類似的結果。









這些關於多種維生素的積極發現與其他研究相似,這些研究表明老年人也可以透過在其飲食方案中補充蛋白質和維生素 D等重要營養素而受益。






A neuroscientist who studies the aging brain says he started taking multivitamins because of his own research

沒有時間出去? 研究發現即使觀看自然影片也能改善心理健康




No time to go outside? Even watching nature videos can improve mental health


據《紐約日報》報導,「無聲散步」(Silent Walk)正在迅速風靡。這種散步方式強調在行走過程中與外界離線,不使用音樂、Podcast 播客,並且避免與他人交談,結合了冥想和運動的元素,以改善心理健康。



  1. 冥想和放鬆: 在安靜的環境中散步可以成為一種冥想的方式。無聲的步行有助於將注意力轉移到當前的環境,使人更容易達到放鬆的狀態。
  2. 減輕壓力: 無聲散步有助於減少周圍的噪音和刺激,這對於減輕壓力和焦慮可能非常有益。
  3. 提升專注力: 靜默的散步有助於集中注意力。在這個過程中,你可以更容易地觀察身邊的事物,培養專注力。
  4. 促進身體活動: 散步本身就是一種輕度的運動,對於促進血液循環、改善心血管健康和增加身體活力都有好處。
  5. 提高創造力: 靜默的環境可能有助於激發創造力。在無干擾的情況下,你可能更容易思考和產生新的想法。
  6. 改善睡眠質量: 適度的運動和冥想可以促進身體和大腦的放鬆,這有助於改善睡眠質量。
  7. 提升心理健康: 無聲散步可以成為自我照顧的一部分,對於維持良好的心理健康可能有積極的影響。


沒有時間出去? 不妨試試在電動跑道機上行走時,觀看自然影片散步影片。研究發現,即使觀看自然影片散步也能改善心理健康。


沒有時間出去? 研究發現即使觀看自然影片也能改善心理健康


音樂散步 vs 無聲散步



  1. 提升動力: 音樂可以激發情感和動力,使你更有活力,有助於保持步行的節奏和速度。
  2. 愉悅感: 好聽的音樂可以提升心情,營造一種輕鬆和愉悅的氛圍,使散步變得更加享受。
  3. 分散注意力: 在步行時聽音樂可以分散思緒,有時有助於忘卻日常壓力,讓你更輕鬆。
  4. 增加運動耐力: 選擇節奏明快的音樂可以激發你的運動慾望,提高運動耐力。


  1. 冥想和靜心: 無聲散步有助於將注意力轉移到當前環境,這有助於冥想和靜心,減輕壓力。
  2. 自我反思: 在寧靜的環境中,人們更容易進行內心的自我反思,思考生活和目標。
  3. 環境感知: 可以更清晰地感知周圍的自然環境,享受大自然的美景。
  4. 專注力提升: 靜默的步行有助於提高專注力,使你更容易集中注意力。


Can a person have more than one attachment style?

Yes, it is possible for a person to exhibit characteristics of more than one attachment style, especially in different relationships or contexts. Attachment styles are not rigid categories but rather represent tendencies in how individuals approach and experience relationships. They can be influenced by a variety of factors, including early caregiving experiences, life experiences, and personal growth. Here are some ways in which a person might exhibit multiple attachment style characteristics:

  1. Secure Base with Variations: Some individuals may have a predominantly secure attachment style, characterized by trust, comfort with intimacy, and effective emotion regulation. However, they might display variations in their attachment style in specific situations. For example, they might become more anxious or avoidant when facing certain stressors or relationship challenges.
  2. Different Styles in Different Relationships: An individual can have different attachment styles in various relationships. For instance, someone might have a secure attachment style with close friends but exhibit an anxious attachment style in their romantic relationship due to specific insecurities or past experiences.
  3. Shifts Over Time: Attachment styles are not fixed; they can evolve over time. An individual who had an anxious attachment style in their early relationships may develop a more secure attachment style as they work on personal growth and address past traumas.
  4. Environmental and Contextual Factors: Life circumstances and the specific context of a relationship can influence attachment styles. For example, an individual who has a secure attachment style may exhibit more anxious tendencies in a relationship marked by inconsistent or unpredictable behaviors from their partner.
  5. Combination of Styles: Some people may exhibit a combination of attachment styles simultaneously. This can be referred to as a “disorganized” or “fearful-avoidant” attachment style. They may oscillate between anxious and avoidant behaviors in their relationships.
  6. Situational Variation: Attachment styles can also vary depending on the situation or setting. For example, someone may have a secure attachment style in their personal relationships but exhibit more avoidant tendencies in professional or casual social contexts.

It’s important to note that attachment styles are not set in stone, and individuals can work on developing more secure and adaptive attachment patterns through therapy, self-awareness, and personal growth. Understanding one’s attachment style and recognizing how it influences their behavior in relationships is a valuable step in improving the quality of their interactions and forming healthier connections with others. Additionally, working with a mental health professional who specializes in attachment issues can provide guidance and support for individuals seeking to address and modify their attachment patterns.

Does understanding attachment styles help improve relationships with aging parents?

Understanding your attachment style and that of your aging parents can be a valuable tool in improving your relationships with them. Attachment styles can provide insights into the dynamics of your interactions, help you empathize with their needs and behaviors, and guide your approach to building healthier connections. Here are some ways in which knowing attachment styles can help in enhancing relationships with aging parents:

  1. Increased Empathy: Recognizing your parents’ and your own attachment styles can lead to greater empathy. You can better understand why your parents may have certain emotional responses or behaviors, and this understanding can lead to more patient and compassionate interactions.
  2. Effective Communication: Knowing your attachment style and that of your parents can highlight communication patterns. For instance, if you or your parents have an anxious attachment style, you might recognize a tendency to seek reassurance or worry about abandonment. Understanding this can encourage open and supportive communication.
  3. Identifying Triggers: Attachment styles can reveal potential triggers for stress or conflict. If, for example, one or both of you have an avoidant attachment style, it may explain a preference for independence and emotional distance. Recognizing these triggers can help avoid misunderstandings.
  4. Attachment Style Compatibility: Sometimes, attachment styles between parents and adult children can clash, leading to misunderstandings. For example, a securely attached adult might find it challenging to relate to a parent with an anxious attachment style. Understanding these differences can help you adapt your communication style.
  5. Healing Past Wounds: Attachment theory suggests that early attachment experiences can shape adult relationships. If there are unresolved attachment issues or traumas from the past, knowing your attachment styles can help you work together to address and heal these wounds.
  6. Boundary Setting: Understanding attachment styles can help you establish healthy boundaries with aging parents. For example, if your parent has a tendency to be overly intrusive (anxious attachment), you can communicate your need for personal space without causing distress.
  7. Encouraging Security: By consciously fostering a secure attachment, you can create an environment of emotional safety and trust for your aging parents. Secure attachment involves consistent support, reliability, and the assurance that emotional needs will be met.
  8. Professional Help: If your relationship with aging parents is strained due to attachment-related issues, knowing your attachment styles can guide you in seeking the help of a therapist or counselor who specializes in attachment-focused therapy.
  9. Building Trust: Over time, understanding attachment styles can lead to a stronger foundation of trust in your relationships with your aging parents. This trust is crucial for open communication and support as they navigate the challenges of aging.
  10. Personal Growth: Learning about attachment styles can also lead to personal growth by helping you reflect on your own attachment patterns and how they affect your relationships. This self-awareness can lead to healthier interactions with aging parents and others.

It’s important to note that attachment styles can evolve over time, and individuals can develop greater security in their attachments. Understanding attachment styles should be seen as a tool for insight and improvement rather than a deterministic framework. Additionally, therapy or counseling with a professional experienced in attachment issues can provide tailored guidance in addressing attachment-related challenges within your relationships with aging parents.

What are the work attitudes for different generations?

Work attitudes can vary among different generations due to differences in life experiences, values, and expectations. While these attitudes are not universal and individuals may deviate from generational stereotypes, here are some general work attitudes often associated with different generations:

1. Traditionalists (born approximately 1925-1945):

  • Work Ethic: Traditionalists are often characterized by a strong work ethic, loyalty to their employers, and a commitment to their careers.
  • Respect for Hierarchy: They typically value hierarchical structures and respect authority figures within the workplace.
  • Stability: Many traditionalists seek job security and long-term employment with a single organization.

2. Baby Boomers (born approximately 1946-1964):

  • Work Ethic: Baby boomers are known for their dedication and willingness to put in long hours at work.
  • Loyalty: They often value loyalty to their employers and may stay with one company for a significant portion of their careers.
  • Teamwork: Many baby boomers appreciate collaboration and teamwork in the workplace.
  • Career Advancement: They may prioritize career advancement and the opportunity to move up the corporate ladder.

3. Generation X (born approximately 1965-1980):

  • Work-Life Balance: Gen Xers tend to value work-life balance and seek flexibility in their work arrangements.
  • Independence: They often value autonomy and may prefer a hands-off management style.
  • Skepticism: Gen Xers may be skeptical of traditional corporate structures and are more likely to change jobs if they feel unfulfilled.
  • Adaptability: They are adaptable and comfortable with technology but may not be as digitally native as younger generations.

4. Millennials (born approximately 1981-1996):

  • Work-Life Integration: Millennials seek a seamless integration of work and personal life and value flexible work arrangements.
  • Purpose-Driven: Many millennials prioritize meaningful work and seek employers with a strong social or environmental mission.
  • Digital Natives: They are highly tech-savvy and comfortable with digital tools and communication.
  • Feedback: Millennials appreciate regular feedback and seek opportunities for skill development and advancement.
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit: They may have an entrepreneurial mindset and seek side projects or opportunities for innovation.

5. Generation Z (born approximately mid-1990s to mid-2010s):

  • Tech-Savvy: Gen Z individuals are digital natives and highly comfortable with technology and social media.
  • Entrepreneurial: They may have an entrepreneurial spirit and an interest in side hustles or freelancing.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Gen Z values diversity and inclusion in the workplace and seeks employers with inclusive policies.
  • Flexibility: They prioritize work-life balance and often seek flexible work arrangements.
  • Purpose-Driven: Many Gen Z members seek meaningful work and socially responsible employers.
  • Global Perspective: They have a global outlook and are open to diverse perspectives and cultures.

It’s essential to recognize that these are general trends, and individuals may have a wide range of attitudes and preferences within their generational group. Additionally, work attitudes can evolve over time as individuals gain more experience and their priorities change. Effective management and workplace policies take these generational differences into account while also recognizing the uniqueness of each employee.